Mchanga Sanaa

In addition to lifestyle videos, Mchanga, my YouTube channel, is dedicated to quality tech reviews, productivity tips and how-to tutorials.

Top 5 Books to Read to Help You Master Productivity

These are my first top 5 books to read to help you master productivity starting now. I feel that these are books every student should read just to build a strong foundation for not just mastering productivity but also preparing for the real world after graduation. 

In a perfect world, we wouldn’t need any assistance or guidance to help us navigate through life. But since we don’t live in a perfect world, we crave knowledge, role models and advice in hopes of building the best version of ourselves. Personally, I chose reading books as a way to expand my mind and understanding very early on…well before I even had a career. It’s not always easy to sift through volumes of books to find the true gems that will have a lasting impact on me and my thought process.

I’ve read tons of books and I wanted to share five of those with you today. Of course, we are all individuals and we interpret things differently…but I do feel you may find some value in the messages and lessons in these books. If you’re on the search for some really great books to read and you don’t want to spend your time digging through the aisles and filtering the pages online on Amazon check out the links below:

“The Motivation Hacker” by Nick Winter 

“Atomic Habits” by James Clear

“Pragmatic Thinking and Learning” by Andy Hunt

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Steven Covey

“The Art of Possibility” by Ben & Roz Zander

These are my first top 5 books to read to help you master productivity starting now. I feel that these are books every student should read just to build a st...

How To Be More Productive using Minimalism

Whether you’re a college student and working full-time, or you’ve been at your job for several years, increasing your overall productivity is not an easy feat. I had to evaluate my goals and make some changes in my life that would allow more productivity. In addition to staying on top of my studies and making all of my meetings, I decided to spend my free time reading, decluttering and organizing. In order for habits to form, you have to stick with it long-term so I had to commit to the changes.

     Over the course of one year, I learned so many different techniques that helped me adjust to minimalism and embrace the lifestyle. There is no easy way to break bad habits and replace them with good habits, but if you truly want to shift your level of productivity, you can do it. Living in this generation means having constant access to technology and all of the vast knowledge it can offer. The same technology we use to learn from is also a major distraction from the lives we could be living. Once you make the decision to focus on what you consider to be priorities, eliminate the distractions, and get your space and life organized, you will be a much happier person overall. 

     If you want to join me in my journey to greater self awareness and learn some of the building blocks to becoming more productive, check out my YouTube channel.

I decided to put myself through a social experiment to determine if being a minimalist was a possibility for me. In a world where we find ourselves just want...

How To Beat Phone Addiction

We live in a digital age and you can’t go anywhere without seeing almost everyone using their phones. I confess that I hardly even use my phone for actual calls anymore. Between Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, there is always some new post, picture and video to check out and follow. It had gotten to the point where I would sit at my desk scrolling through social media on my phone instead of working. If too long would pass since I last checked my notifications, I would mindlessly tap my pants pocket to make sure I still have my phone. I was a really sad case, but I quickly realized I wasn’t alone.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay in the know and there is nothing wrong with enjoying social interaction on the internet, but It becomes a problem when it interferes with your ability to be productive. There are several steps you can take starting today that will help you move away from phone addiction. You don’t have to toss your phone in the garbage can and go social media cold turkey, but small changes will have a big impact. I had to start designating time to social media and emails so they didn’t overwhelm me and hinder my progress.

Productivity requires your attention and even though I enjoy multitasking, it’s not always a good thing. Multitask when its appropriate and needed. If you want to learn some very simple tips you can apply to your daily life to help you beat phone addiction and be more productive, check out my YouTube channel.

We as humans focus a lot on our notifications and not really realizing that these are constant disruptions to the potential to be more productive. Just the a...

Minutes of Motivation for Self Improvement

We sometimes get so caught up in the needs of others that we forget about the most important person to please, yourself. I know the word selfish carries a negative connotation but it’s not always a bad thing. You have to reclaim some of your time, energy and brain capacity for your own needs, your own goals and your own wants. Many of us struggle with saying no because we don’t want to appear insensitive. Take a moment to think about what you’ll have left to offer if you always say yes to everything and everyone. What about you? Please don’t think that I’m telling you that you should not be open to giving with no expectation of a return or benefit. You can still be a nice and accommodating person while being a bit selfish.

Be selfish occasionally, just for you. Take that time to recharge and focus on what will improve your life. You don’t have to give and give without ever being able to regroup and consider your own thoughts, your finances, your aspirations. You don’t have to feel guilty for wanting to make you happy. Think about what you deserve and ask yourself if being a little bit selfish will add some more value to your life. When it comes to family and friends we sometimes get completely lost in helping; we get lost in being the shoulder to cry on and making ourselves available to them. Even if you can’t lean on anyone else, you should have the energy to lean on yourself.

If you just want a bit of encouragement and the motivation to implement positive selfishness into your life, feel free to check out my YouTube channel.

Welcome to my motivation series where you can take some personal time for relaxation, find the best motivation for self improvement and self control of your ...

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